A downloadable game

This is my entry for the Neuro GameJam 2024.
The theme for the GameJam was "Remnants of the past"

After reading that title I decided I wanted to make a game that runs in the terminal to bring back one of the older forms of gaming and expose it to the new generations of gamers. A meta implementation of the theme if you will.

Moreover, in the game you will find these mysterious messages called Echos of the Past which will guide the adventurer deeper into the lower levels of the dungeon.

At the time of posting this game for the contest the game only counts with 3 levels + a tutorial, a level maker and an infinite mode to chase high scores.

Due to the fact I am a single man team and the time constrains of the contest I was unable to develop the plot to the level I would have liked. The game mechanics I had planned are far from completed and the game does not even have background music or sound effects implemented at the moment. It certainly fits the terminal to have silence to match it but it would be nice to sprinkle some sound here and there in the future.

One of the features I wanted to implement the most is the ability for players to leave an "Echo of the Past" in the infinite mode so other adventurers see their messages. Each message would be attached to a high score and only display to other adventurers who have reached that high of a score. This entails that the first floors in the infinite mode would be covered with a lot of messages and the deeper you go the thinner they grow. 

Another feature I had planned is to create an in game store to use your gold on, unlocking items, gears and boosts. Maybe add some pseudo gambling mechanics as currency sinks as well.

Is this game going to develop further? Depends on the community reception of the game. If it seems like something people enjoys and wants to see more of I will gladly develop and open source as well.

I used this as opportunity as my first time trying to make a game and try to learn some more coding and better practices on the way so it has been an enriching experience overall. I am inclined to develop at least a couple functions more for the sake of my own amusement as well. 

If you made it this far in that wall of text, thanks! I appreciate you.

Hope you enjoy this little game


ASCIICrawler.zip 7.1 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and run ASCIICrawler.exe

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